

Wisconsin Braille Inc.


Return application and payment to:



Membership Chair

557 Milky Way

Madison, WI 53718


Name ____________________________________________________________


Address __________________________________________________________


City ____________________________________ State _____ Zip ____________


Phone ______________ Fax ______________ E-Mail ______________________



In what format would you like the newsletter and other correspondence sent to you?

(check one)


Print __    Braille ___ E-mail ____


What is your affiliation with the braille-reading community (Check all that apply)


VI Teacher ____       Braille Transcriber ____      Parent _____      Proofreader ____


Administrator  ____  Educational Assistant ____  Producer  ____  User  ____ 


O&M Provider ____  Other ____



Membership Opportunities:


____ Regular Membership (Annual Membership = $10.00)


____ Sustaining Membership (Annual Membership + Contribution = $30.00)


____ Lifetime Membership (One-time Contribution = $200.00)


Note: All contributions over and above the annual regular membership are tax-deductible.



Total Amount Enclosed _____________